Hume Central Secondary College Assembly: Tuesday February 14 at 12.30pm – Broadmeadows Basketball Stadium
We are pleased to announce that we will be conducting our first ever whole college assembly on Tuesday February 14 at 12.30pm at the Broadmeadows Basketball Stadium. Students and staff from all of our campuses will be attending the event which will celebrate the achievements of the class of 2022 and will include a brief presentation from one of our past students. Our local member of parliament, Kathleen Matthews Ward will also be presenting awards. This event aims to encourage a strong sense connectedness and to promote high aspirations for all of our students.
All parents/carers are welcome to attend, those that intend to come along should contact reception on their campus for more information.
We look forward to celebrating this event with the Hume Central Secondary College Community.
Jeff Mulcahy
College Principal