On Friday 29th of July Staff gathered together to participate in a day of Professional Development.

Staff found this day as a great learning experience across all roles within the College describing the day as:

  • Excellent day. Informative, productive and delicious lunch!
  • Collaboration amongst staff, quality PLC time, discussions between colleagues.
  • Session one gave us time to discuss and develop our curriculum. Session two (Embedding Instructional Practice – Glen Pearsall) related to our students and pedagogy. Also, Glen presented very well. Final session was excellent, allowing our team to discuss our session two and then allowing time to conclude discussions by finalising session one set work/curriculum planning. 
  • Definitely looking forward to improving my questioning techniques in my classes with Glen’s techniques.
  • Really interesting to hear insights from the keynote speaker. Made me think about how I interact with students and ways to better engage them in the classroom.
  • The session for admin & ancillary staff on managing and responding to critical incidents was very helpful. It reinforced good practice and provided us with strategies and understanding that will support our work.