Week Without Violence
Recently the College has raised awareness about the Week Without Violence initiative which seeks to end gender-based violence, particularly violence against women.
Students at each campus engaged in a presentation during mentoring about the initiative, discussing what is gender-based violence, learning about the high rates of violence perpetrated on women, what we can do as an active bystander and where to go to for support. The College acknowledges this topic can be confronting and sensitive, however important for students to understand how their behaviour can help prevent gender-based violence.
To further raise awareness about the initiative a number of activities occurred across the College including:
- Fundraising for the St Kilda Mums charity that supports women and children. Fundraising activities involved guessing the number of lollies in a jar & wearing your favourite sport jersey for the day.
- Messages to end violence on white t shirts and a canvas.
- The polished man initiative which involves painting a nail as a symbol to actively take a stand to end violence against women and children.
As the students learned in mentoring, if you or someone you know is experiencing violence please seek support by contacting:
- Safe Steps: 1800 015 188
- 1800 Respect: 1800 737 732
- In an emergency please contact 000