Young Women in Trade and Tech Expo

On Thursday 11th of May Year 10, 11 and 12 students attended the Young Women in Trade and Tech Expo at the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre. The purpose of this expo is to encourage more young women to pursue a career in the male dominated Trade and Tech industries. Students were able to complete hands on activities, speak to a range of businesses and organisations that support women in trade and tech and listen to female guest speakers speak about their experience in these industries.
Here are some testimonials from students who attended.
• “Today was a great experience especially if you’re still unsure on what to do when you’re older, talking to so many people made me figure out what I liked and what I didn’t, can’t wait to go again next year.”
• “I enjoyed exploring different areas of trade. One of the workshops I enjoyed was the citywide workshop, bricklaying activity as well as the landscaping. After this excursion, I am inspired to do landscaping.”
• “After today, I’m even more sure about wanting to go into a particular trade”.
• “My favourite part about today was getting to see the different career paths I could get into. From this experience I’ve learned that I have a keen interest in technology, specifically the game development area.”
• “It gave me an idea of what I want to do in the future, we got to speak to many people in different fields. It was really engaging and fun!”
• “I really enjoyed the whole expo as it was an amazing opportunity for people who want to do trade. My favourite had to be RMIT University and the Ford Motor Company as they were very informative and welcoming.”
• “Going to this expo was great! It was lovely to meet people and have conversations about trades.”