English Language Centre

Contact Details
Email: hume.central.sc.elc@education.vic.gov.au
Hume Central English Language Centre is located on the Blair Street campus of Hume Central Secondary College. Hume Central ELC provides intensive English language courses for up to 65 newly arrived students from language backgrounds other than English, prior to their enrolment in mainstream secondary schools and TAFE colleges. Secondary school age students (12 – 18 years old) are eligible to enrol.
The New Arrivals program provided by Hume Central ELC is Commonwealth funded and is administered by the Education Department of Victoria. The period of enrolment for individual students varies from one to four terms depending upon student needs, VISA eligibility and pressure from waiting lists. Most students are permanent residents of Australia, though a growing number of temporary residents and fee-paying international students are provided with high quality intensive English language programs. All English Language staff are qualified English as an Additional Language teachers.
Students are tested on arrival and placed in a group at their level of English language proficiency. English is taught through topics and texts focused on the learning areas (subjects) of the secondary school curriculum. The language of mathematics, art and sport occur throughout the week. Computer skills are taught within classes, and where possible each student has access to laptops while in class. Reports to parents and guardians are issued at the end of every term.
Enrolment information on refugee status, health and schooling disruption is used to trigger referrals for: settlement issues, advocacy to health support: medical, dental, audio and optical. Referrals based on teacher observations are made for mental health, learning disabilities, speech therapy and behavioural issues.
Weekly class teacher meetings provide feedback on particular students, issues and absenteeism.
To request an appointment for enrolment at Hume Central English Language Centre, please contact us on: 9302 6011. Parents and Guardians can request interpreters to facilitate enrolment or enquiries.