
Year 7 Transition

At the end of year, usually in late November or early December, an orientation day is held for all children enrolled to begin Year 7 in the following year. The day is designed to help children become familiar with the surroundings of their new school facilities and to give them a taste for secondary school life.

On the day, students are introduced to their home room teacher and get the chance to meet others in their home room group. The home room teacher stays the same throughout the year and is there to provide support, guidance and a friendly ear on any issues a student may be having.

Students also commence a project during their orientation day which they will complete once they commence in Year 7 the following year.

Year 9 to Year 10 Transition

In year 9, students start choosing specialised subjects that interest them and that will best support choices for the future. This is part of getting ready for the senior years of school. Students can choose subjects from Arts, Design and Technology, Health and Physical Education, Humanities and Science.

Specially trained teachers work closely with students to help them to choose their subjects. Each student has an interview to discuss what interests them, what they are good at and what they might like to do when they finish school (i.e. work with animals, forensics, design buildings etc.). This ensures that students choose subjects that theyll enjoy learning about and that give them a wide range of choices in the future. Subject choice interviews are normally held in Term 3.