Throughout Semester 2, our 12G class focused on ‘homelessness’ and exploring partnership opportunities where we as a school could give back to those in need.
During this project our 12G students attended The Salvation Army City Tour of the Homeless, donating homemade beanies along with donating $900 of their contributions collected from our College Annual Market Day to support the work The Salvation Army does for the Homelessness.
We also partnered with Youth Projects hosting a Casual Kicks Day where students could wear casual shoes for a gold coin donation, held a lunchtime sausage sizzle, sweet stall consisting of Banoffee slices, brownies, chocolate truffles and waffles, cheese boards and a student rap battle for students to compete in raising $700 to support Youth Projects.
Our students didn’t stop there, to continue to extend their support the class arranged a collection drive at our Town Park Campus for Food, Kicks, Clothing, and handmade beanies to further support those in need.
A huge acknowledgement goes out to our students of 12G for all their hard work, effort, and time spent on ensuring these projects were a success for supporting those in need.
In addition to their achievements above, 21 small beanies have since been made for premature babies at the Royal Children’s hospital that will be delivered this week.