Victorian Bar Foundation Student Award Night


The Victorian Bar Foundation Student Award Night was held on the 23rd of June at the Owen Dixon Chambers in Melbourne. The Victorian Bar Foundation Student Achievement Award is a youth recognition award for academic achievement in Legal Studies, sponsored by the Victorian Bar Foundation and Hume City Council. The Award aims to inspire VCE students to continue their Legal Studies pathway into further studies after the completion of Year 12.

We would like to congratulate Maryam Albert (pictured below with the Honourable Justice Michelle Gordon AC, High Court Justice) at the award ceremony who is the recipient of this award in recognition of her academic excellence in Legal Studies and also acknowledge and congratulate Pakhawat (Book) Jampachum for his academic excellence and ongoing commitment in Legal Studies.

Both Maryam and Book will have an opportunity to participate in a “work experience day”. This will include a tour of the Victorian Supreme Court and meeting with inspiring barristers of the Victorian Bar on Thursday 21st  September, 2023.